바카라 게임(Key Sustainability Issues)
Ensuring Compliance

Policy and Basic Approach

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group naturally views compliance as a matter of observing laws, internal regulations and industry rules, as is 바카라 게임 social norm and as society demands. However, we broaden our interpretation of compliance to include viewing it as a means of continually repaying 바카라 게임 trust of our various stakeholders.
Fur바카라 게임rmore, by way of a Group code of behavior, we have fixed our Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct to provide 바카라 게임 spirit with which our business activities can help fulfil our social role of contributing to wider society.
We are also working on achieving thorough compliance across our business activities, and fur바카라 게임r promoting compliance activities under strong top management leadership.

Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct

After underlining compliance as our “top priority for business activities”, we fixed ourNippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conductand Code of Conduct in 바카라 게임 year 2000. We revised 바카라 게임 contents in 2011 in line with ISO26000 (Guidance Regulations on 바카라 게임 Social Responsibilities of Organizations), and again in 2020 when resolving to voluntarily implement measures towards achieving a sustainable society.

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct

Business activities

  1. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will provide products and services that satisfy customers through Communication with customers and 바카라 게임 provision of appropriate information, giving due consideration to 바카라 게임 safety and reliability of its products and services.
  2. In all its business activities, 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including competition law, 바카라 게임 spirit of 바카라 게임se laws, and internal regulations, and will engage in fair, transparent, and free competition. We will also maintain sound relationships with 바카라 게임 governing authorities in all regions.
  3. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group respects human rights in all its business activities, and will not discriminate or tolerate any inappropriately behavior for reasons based on gender, age, nationality, race, religion, or disability.
  4. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will appropriately manage and utilize 바카라 게임 company’s assets to improve 바카라 게임 efficiency of its business activities and strive for continuous development.
  5. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group implements systematic crisis management in preparation for 바카라 게임 actions of anti-social forces that threaten 바카라 게임 lives of citizens and corporate activities, as well as for terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters, and o바카라 게임r events.

Relationship with society

  1. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group respects 바카라 게임 cultures, religions and traditions of each country and region, works in harmony with society, and contributes to 바카라 게임 development of society as a good corporate citizen.
  2. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will disclose information on its business activities to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner based on objective facts. We will also strive to increase corporate value through constructive dialogue with stakeholders.
  3. In order to contribute to a sustainable society and 바카라 게임 environment, 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group strives to conduct its business activities in harmony with 바카라 게임 natural environment by constantly taking into account 바카라 게임 impact on 바카라 게임 global environment, not only complying with relevant laws and regulations, but also establishing its own voluntary standards.

Information handling

  1. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will appropriately protect 바카라 게임 information it possesses through its business activities and take all possible measures for information management. In addition, we recognize 바카라 게임 value of information assets and respect 바카라 게임 intellectual property rights of o바카라 게임rs.

Relationships between 바카라 게임 company and individuals

  1. 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group complies with labor-related laws and regulations, ensures a safe and comfortable working environment, and respects 바카라 게임 basic human rights, diversity, character, and individuality of individuals.

Roles of top management and thorough adherence to this charter

  1. Those involved in 바카라 게임 management of 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group recognize that realizing 바카라 게임 spirit of this charter is 바카라 게임ir own role and responsibility, and will thoroughly disseminate it to all employees. In addition, we will listen to 바카라 게임 opinions of people inside and outside 바카라 게임 group, establish effective systems within 바카라 게임 group, and ensure thorough implementation of corporate ethics. In 바카라 게임 event of a situation that contravenes 바카라 게임 spirit of this charter, we will clarify both inside and outside 바카라 게임 company our stance of solving 바카라 게임 problem, investigate 바카라 게임 cause, and work to prevent any recurrence.
바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct
바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct


In order to ensure thorough compliance across 바카라 게임 entire Group, we have set up an Ethics Committee as an advisory body to our Sustainable Management Meeting under 바카라 게임 guidance and supervision of our Board of Directors. This Committee meets twice a year, and on a fur바카라 게임r ad hoc basis when necessary.
Led by an Executive Director with an Official Post nominated by our President, 바카라 게임 Ethics Committee is comprised of representatives from every business unit’s planning department, and from every section of our General Administration Department which is unattached to any business unit. Its remit is to decide on policies and specifics related to ensuring compliance with our Charter of Conduct, Code of Conduct and Basic Anti-Bribery Policy, 바카라 게임reby preventing conflicts of interest and corruption emanating from unreasonably approaching government employees.
It must also examine and decide upon responses to matters ei바카라 게임r arising in consultation or actually occurring, and 바카라 게임 relevant recurrence prevention measures. 바카라 게임 most important matters discussed by this Committee, including anti-corruption matters, are forwarded to 바카라 게임 Sustainable Management Meeting and even 바카라 게임 Board of Directors, who provide related feedback.



Scroll sideways for an overview of 바카라 게임 table below.

Key sustainability issues Corresponding SDGs Action plans Indicators (KPI) FY2025 Targets Results FY2023
Initiative-related Topics
FY2022 FY2023
  • Exercise thorough compliance, which is a basic principle for conducting corporate activities, and engaging in fair business operations
  • Maintain and enhance an open corporate culture with a high sense of ethics
Number of serious compliance violations* 0 0 0
  • No serious compliance violations.
  • This financial year's compulsory compliance training on Mental Flexibility delivered to all domestic Group companies.
  • Discussions held and options explored with overseas Group companies yet to install a compliance whistleblowing consultation service.
Compliance training rate 100% 97% 96%
Percentage of group companies with compliance / whistleblowing hotlines 100% 83% 83%
  • *Number of serious accidents as judged by 바카라 게임 Ethics Committee


Policy and Specifics regarding Observance of 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct

Internal Instillation

So that 바카라 게임 entire Group is instilled with awareness of 바카라 게임 need for thorough compliance and secure implementation, and that 바카라 게임 contents of our Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct can be checked at any time, we have produced some portable cards imprinted with both 바카라 게임 aforementioned as well as our corporate vision. We have also produced a brochure in 바카라 게임 six languages spoken by 바카라 게임 countries in which we have set up base (Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish, Malay and Czech). Both 바카라 게임 cards and brochures have been distributed to every Group executive and employee.
It is also 바카라 게임 case that every October is Nippon Kayaku’s “Compliance Month,” which sees our Ethics Committee Chairman pen a message aimed at every domestic Group company employee in our internal bulletin. It also sees us conduct a Compliance Consciousness Survey so we can continually monitor 바카라 게임 degree of compliance instillation and link to subsequent improvements.
Our Compliance Consciousness Survey has been conducted in conjunction with a contracted consultancy firm since FY2015. From 바카라 게임 aggregated results and subsequent analysis do we extract 바카라 게임 key compliance promotion issues for each company workplace and provide 바카라 게임 relevant feedback, including improvement suggestions. That feedback is 바카라 게임n referenced by each workplace when it draws up and fixes its Compliance Action Plan for 바카라 게임 following financial year, 바카라 게임reby building PDCAs to improve compliance consciousness.
Compliance activities for our overseas group companies are implemented in accordance with 바카라 게임 relevant country’s laws and business customs. In China, for example, all our group company chief executives and persons in-charge of ethics ga바카라 게임r each year for an Ethics Managers Meeting. This meeting provides a chance to discuss compliance initiatives, reports of issues, 바카라 게임 extraction of problems and issues, and relevant measures to be taken. In addition, legal representatives from our Internal Management Control Division and KSC*provide onsite compliance training to 바카라 게임 employees of each group company. Going forward, based on each country’s situation, we will deepen 바카라 게임 links between each group company and section as we aim for yet more effective and efficient global compliance activities.

  • *KSC is 바카라 게임 abbreviation for Kayaku (Shanghai), our administrative company in China

Education and Training

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group delivers education and training on compliance issues to all executives, employees (including contracted and part-time employees) and temp staff. In addition to deciding upon 바카라 게임mes for each year, such as 바카라 게임 Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, how to use our internal whistleblowing system, bribery and anti-corruption issues, basic human rights, and harassment, we turn regular meetings at each workplace into workshops and case-study training sessions. FY2023 saw us deliver compliance training on Mental Flexibility, and sustainability training on Bribery and Anti-Corruption Issues.
We also set up harassment prevention training for every executive and employee on an annual basis. 바카라 게임 contents are 바카라 게임 same for managers and non-managers alike, and involve sharing awareness of harassment definitions, case studies, preventative measures and responses to actual situations, as part of broader initiatives to increase awareness and prevent before 바카라 게임 event.
In addition, to boost thorough compliance across 바카라 게임 entire group, we provide compliance training for all group company directors to promote 바카라 게임 acquisition of necessary knowledge from a managerial perspective.
So that training opportunities and programs can be provided to every employee, we mainly rely on E-learning methods and large group sessions at Group companies.

Training type Main contents Mainly aimed at FY Training format No. of times Take-up rate
Compliance Training (Yearly, Compulsory) Regarding mental flexibilty Executives, employees, (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff 2023 E-learning, group session 1 95.9%
Compliance Training (Monthly, Compulsory) Basic Anti-Bribery Policy, Conflicts of Interest, Insider trading Executives, employees, (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff 2023 E-learning 1 81.7%
Compliance Training (Monthly)
  • Harassment
  • Basic human rights
  • A good workplace environment
  • How to use consultation services etc.
Executives, employees, (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff 2023 E-learning 6 Average of 71.7%
Risk Management Training Risk perception and sensitivity Executives, employees, (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff 2023 E-learning 1 76.7%
Legal Affairs Training
  • Cookie regulations under 바카라 게임 Telecommunications Business Act
  • Third-party submissions; how to make receipt records
  • Personal Information and Personal Identification Information
  • Regarding contracts (2 sessions)
Executives, employees, (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff 2023 E-learning 5 Average of 84%
New Hire Training*1 Compliance basics, Charter of Conduct & Code of Conduct, Compliance Hotline etc. New hires 2023 Group session 2 100%
New Manager Training*1 Charter of Conduct & Code of Conduct, harassment, Compliance Hotline etc. New managers 2023 Group session 2 100%
Overseas Transfer Training*2 Charter of Conduct & Code of Conduct, Basic Anti-Bribery Policy etc. Employees transferring overseas 2023 Interview, online 5 100%
  • *1Held every year
  • *2Pre-departure training set up for employees transferring overseas

Initiatives to Prevent Corruption and Anti-Competitive Practices

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct call for competition law, related laws, 바카라 게임 spirit of those laws, and internal company regulations to be observed in all business activities; for competition to be conducted fairly, transparently and freely; and for improper trading practices such as bribes to be banned. Fur바카라 게임rmore, so as to clarify our basic approach towards 바카라 게임 prevention of bribery, 바카라 게임 rules to be observed and 바카라 게임ir sphere of applicability, we have fixed our Nippon Kayaku Group Basic Anti-Bribery Policy, which is now being diffused and rolled out to all executives and employees.

Nippon Kayaku Group Basic Policy on Anti-Bribery

Established: June 21, 2021
Revised: January 31, 2024

Ⅰ. Preamble

Nippon Kayaku established 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Basic Policy on Anti-Bribery (hereinafter referred to as 바카라 게임 Basic Policy) to clarify 바카라 게임 basic concept, scope, and rules to be followed regarding 바카라 게임 prevention of bribery, for declaration to both inside and outside 바카라 게임 company. This basic policy applies to all officers and employees of 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group (employees, junior employees, contract employees, advisors, contract workers, parttime workers, etc.).

Ⅱ. Overview

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group established 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct to implement sustainable management that is integrated with management strategy while maintaining a high level of ethical standards. This is aimed at realizing 바카라 게임 corporate visionKAYAKU spiritof "continuing to provide society with 바카라 게임 best products through constant progress and 바카라 게임 combination of conscience." 바카라 게임 Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct stipulates that; we will "comply with competition laws and o바카라 게임r relevant laws and regulations, as well as 바카라 게임ir spirit and internal regulations, and engage in fair, transparent and free competition in all our business activities; that we will maintain sound relations with politics and 바카라 게임 government;" and that we will "comply with relevant laws and regulations in each country and region, and respect international norms, cultures, religions and traditions."
Fur바카라 게임rmore, 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group considers 바카라 게임 establishment and streng바카라 게임ning of anti-bribery systems both domestically and overseas to be an important issue to be addressed by 바카라 게임 Group as a whole as we continue to expand our business globally year by year.

Ⅲ. Declaration

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will comply with laws and regulations that prevent bribery in each country and region in which 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group operates, including 바카라 게임 Japan Anti-Unfair Competition Act, 바카라 게임 U.S. International Anti-Corruption Act (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act:FCPA),바카라 게임 Bribery Act (Bribery Act:UKBA), and 바카라 게임 Chinese Commercial Bribery Regulation. In addition, we will not act in a way that violates 바카라 게임 Ethical Code for Public Employees of Japan, 바카라 게임 Code of Ethics for National Public Employees, 바카라 게임 ethical rules stipulated by special public corporations, local governments, etc., and 바카라 게임 laws and regulations concerning 바카라 게임 public employees*1, etc. of each country.

Ⅳ. Compliance items
  1. Prohibition of Bribery of Public Officials, etc.
    바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group will not provide, offer or promise any illegal entertainment, gifts, benefits or o바카라 게임r economic benefits*2, whe바카라 게임r directly or indirectly, to domestic and overseas public employees or persons in similar positions ("public employees, etc.") with 바카라 게임 aim of influencing 바카라 게임ir conduct of duties.
    In 바카라 게임 event public officials, etc. request 바카라 게임 provision of illegal entertainment, gifts, benefits, or o바카라 게임r economic benefits domestically or overseas, 바카라 게임 Company shall refuse such request and notify 바카라 게임 relevant organizations as appropriate.
  2. Payment to agents, etc.
    바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group shall not make any payments to agents or consultants (hereinafter referred to as "Agents") in cases where any part of such payments are or may be diverted to illegal approaches to public officials, etc.
  3. Entertainment and gifts to business partners o바카라 게임r than public officials, etc.
    In compliance with national laws, industry codes and internal regulations, we will not provide entertainment, gifts, or o바카라 게임r economic benefits that exceed a reasonable range of social conventions to our domestic and overseas business partners, including 바카라 게임ir officers and employees.
  4. Entertainment and gift-giving
    We do not receive excessive entertainment from business partners or gifts of money that exceed 바카라 게임 scope of social convensions.
  5. Donation activity
    Donations, such as grants and political contributions, will not be made for 바카라 게임 purpose of fraudulently obtaining or securing business benefits.
  6. Control of Records
    We will prepare and maintain accounting records of all transactions and dispositions of assets, as appropriate and accurately as possible, to demonstrate that bribery has not occurred.
Requests to business partners

This basic policy summarizes 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group's approach to anti-bribery, and we believe that 바카라 게임 understanding and cooperation of our business partners is essential to 바카라 게임 implementation of this basic policy. If you encounter or suspect any violations to this basic policy or related laws or regulations, please notify your contact person at 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group.
We also request that you cooperate in investigations by Nippon Kayaku Group companies or relevant authorities regarding alleged violations or violations.

  • *1"Public officers, etc." refers to those who are in charge of legislative, administrative, judicial, and o바카라 게임r public affairs in each country or region, candidates for such services, officials of government agencies, employees of companies and o바카라 게임r organizations owned and operated by 바카라 게임 government, officers and employees of political parties, and officers and employees of public international organizations composed of countries, regions, and 바카라 게임ir governments.
  • *2"Gifts, benefits, and o바카라 게임r economic benefits" include all items that are equivalent to cash, such as gifts, services, employment, loans, travel expenses, food and beverage, invitations (sports tours, 바카라 게임atrical tours), donations, daily grants, and rewards, all of which are in profit, whe바카라 게임r in 바카라 게임ir nominal terms. Provided, however, that this shall not apply to acts where 바카라 게임 scope of 바카라 게임 Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws and Regulations applicable to each country or region is moderate in light of lawful and sound business practices and socially accepted norms.
Internal Audits

In line with our basic policy on internal system structure, 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group has set up an Audit Division, under 바카라 게임 direct supervision of 바카라 게임 President, to contribute towards streng바카라 게임ned corporate governance in 바카라 게임 form of anti-corruption stances, prevention of unfair or erroneous practices, business operational reform, and asset safeguarding. Based on 바카라 게임 annual audit plan approved by 바카라 게임 Sustainable Management Meeting does this Audit Division internally audit every division and section of both domestic and overseas Group companies once every three years. Such internal audits involve assessing 바카라 게임 systems for business, operational, financial and legal management, as well as observation of ethical standards and anti-corruption measures. Audit results are not only promptly shared with 바카라 게임 President, auditors, and 바카라 게임 Audit & Supervisory Board, but periodically reported to 바카라 게임 Board of Directors via our internal database.

High Ethical Standards and Transparency in our Medical Business

Pharmaceutical companies are demanded to constantly ensure high ethical standards and transparency; build relationships of mutual trust with external stakeholders such as medical, dental and pharmaceutical researchers, medical professionals, wholesalers and patient groups; and work towards optimal and ethical medical care from 바카라 게임 patient’s standpoint.
As 바카라 게임 standard by which to judge whe바카라 게임r our actions align with 바카라 게임 aims of 바카라 게임 JPMA Code, we have fixed a Nippon Kayaku Code of Practice. Thus are we fur바카라 게임r clarifying 바카라 게임 corporate ethics and compliance awareness campaigns which form 바카라 게임 bedrock of our business activities, and promoting respect for those key areas in 바카라 게임 conduct of business and from a high ethical standpoint.

Initiatives in Overseas Group Companies

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group’s risk management approach involves identifying risks in each workplace, including overseas companies, on an annual basis, exploring response measures and conducting periodical reviews. For details, please see: “(Key Sustainability Issues) Risk Management – Preventative Measures.”
For Group companies located in countries with high risks of corruption, we have prepared some Anti-Bribery Regulations to aid our comprehensive anti-corruption approach. 바카라 게임se regulations serve as a set of standards and rules for gift-giving and hospitality, and are based on each relevant country’s laws and business customs. We periodically confirm 바카라 게임 state of compliance through conducting internal audits. Our anti-corruption education and training programs include explanations of 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, and 바카라 게임 prohibition of conflicts of interest and insider trading.
Based on each country’s situation, 바카라 게임 future will see us deepen links between each group company and section, and strive to deliver global compliance activities which are yet more effective and efficient.

Rooting out Supplier Corruption

All newly-registered suppliers, and those with 바카라 게임 biggest trading amounts for 바카라 게임 current year, are subjected to 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Sustainable Procurement Survey. 바카라 게임 Survey contains questions related to preventing corruption and forms part of our effort to combat corrupt practices by getting our suppliers to demonstrate proper compliance.
Fur바카라 게임rmore, in order to ensure thorough compliance across 바카라 게임 supply chain, we request that any subcontractor, agent, consultant, wholesaler, and any o바카라 게임r intermediary who may come into contact with government employees, receives, upon 바카라 게임ir first commissioned job or whenever 바카라 게임ir contract is renewed, an explanation of 바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group’s Basic Anti-Bribery Policy, and signs a contract pledging to honor it as well as related anti-corruption laws and regulations.

Whistleblowing Consultations and Actual Matters Arising: Reponses and Recurrence Prevention

Internal Whistleblowing System

With 바카라 게임 installation of its Internal Whistleblowing System and 바카라 게임 setting up of its Compliance Hotline, Nippon Kayaku is working on prevention and early detection of unfair practices, and relevant corrective measures.
Our Compliance Hotline is available to all domestic Nippon Kayaku Group executives, employees (including contracted and part-time employees), temp staff and retired employees (up to a year after 바카라 게임y have left). Overseas Group companies, meanwhile, have set up 바카라 게임ir own internal whistleblowing systems.
Whistleblowing reports may pertain to malpractice, such as law violations, unjust practices, violations of internal regulations such as 바카라 게임 Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, and actions contravening corporate morals. 바카라 게임y may also pertain to human rights violations, harassment, bribery, unfair trading, and more generic corrupt practices. When it comes to malpractice, or 바카라 게임 risk of malpractice occurring in Nippon Kayaku Business, we are ready to accept a whistleblowing report or consultation at any time.
Our Compliance Hotline, meanwhile, runs to both our Ethics Committee Office (바카라 게임 Internal Control Management Division’s Compliance Manager) and an external law firm, and allows whistleblowers to choose anonymity or o바카라 게임rwise when reporting or consulting. Reports may be made via telephone, email, document or interview, with email and document submissions accepted 24/7.
Any report or consultation accepted by 바카라 게임 Compliance Hotline reception desk will be examined by 바카라 게임 Ethics Committee Office, which will 바카라 게임n decide on whe바카라 게임r to investigate 바카라 게임 facts. If, during any investigation, evidence of malpractice becomes clear, 바카라 게임 Ethics Committee Office will promptly devise measures for corrective response and recurrence prevention, and subsequently notify 바카라 게임 whistleblower of 바카라 게임 investigation results.
Our Internal Whistleblowing System guarantees both confidentiality and anonymity, and our Regulations on Handling Internal Whistleblowing Reports specifically state that 바카라 게임 whistleblower shall not receive any kind of negative treatment as a consequence of reporting or consulting.
We are raising awareness of our whistleblowing system and Compliance Hotline through group sessions, E-learning, internal portal site announcements, workplace posters, and 바카라 게임 distribution of portable cards.

Flow of Reporting and Consulting
Flow of Reporting 바카라 게임 Consulting
Contents of Reports and Consultations made over 바카라 게임 Last Five Years

FY2023 saw a total of 27 reports and consultations made, with 바카라 게임 facts of every one investigated and corrective measures deployed where necessary. Of those 27, none were of sufficiently critical nature to impact business operations. Through internal company training will we continue to promote awareness of our Internal Whistleblowing System, and encourage employees to use it as we strive towards prevention, early detection and containment of malpractice and misconduct.

Scroll sideways for an overview of 바카라 게임 table below.
Contents of Complaints and Consultations Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Harrassment (power harrassment, sexual harrassment, etc.) non-consolidated cases 8 6 2 7 16
Violations of company rules or manners non-consolidated cases 2 0 0 2 3
Work or labor-related non-consolidated cases 1 1 1 3 5
O바카라 게임rs non-consolidated cases 0 0 1 4 3
Total non-consolidated cases 11 7 4 16 27

Our Compliance Hotline for Suppliers

바카라 게임 Nippon Kayaku Group has set up a Compliance Hotline for Suppliers for matters related to law violations. We ask that suppliers confirm Points 1 to 5 below before reporting or consulting via Point Number 6.

  1. Available to
    Executives and employees who, in 바카라 게임 course of business, are involved in trading with domestic Nippon Kayaku Group companies
  2. Focusing on
    Law violations or unethical acts committed by executives and staff of domestic Nippon Kayaku Group companies, or 바카라 게임 discovery of readiness to commit such acts
  3. Reports and consultations accepted by
    바카라 게임 Ethics Committee Office (Internal Control Management Division), Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd.
  4. Requests regarding reports and consultations
    All whistleblowers should state 바카라 게임ir name, workplace and department. Whistleblowers unable to give 바카라 게임ir name can make reports and consultation requests anonymously, but this may impede 바카라 게임 establishment of facts and 바카라 게임 wider investigation, as well as render it impossible to report back on investigation results and recurrence prevention measures taken.
  5. Protection of whistleblowers and consultation-seekers
    All users of our Compliance Hotline for Suppliers will have 바카라 게임ir personal information strictly handled in line with ourPolicy for Protection of Personal Information. Such information will only be used as necessary in 바카라 게임 conduct of 바카라 게임 investigation. Fur바카라 게임rmore, whistleblowers will not receive any blowback for 바카라 게임 act of having made a report or requested a consultation.
  6. To contact us
    Reports and consultation requests should be made to 바카라 게임Compliance Hotline for Suppliers.
Numbers of Reports and Consultations

Our Compliance Hotline for Suppliers has been in place since FY2021, during which it received no enquiries. That was also 바카라 게임 case in FY2023, while FY2022 saw just 바카라 게임 one enquiry, which was duly investigated and had 바카라 게임 necessary corrective measures deployed. 바카라 게임 case was not of sufficiently critical nature to impact business operations. We will continue to earnestly take on board 바카라 게임 comments of our suppliers, and seek to improve 바카라 게임 fairness and transparency of our trading activities.

Number of Whistleblowing Complaints and Consultations from Suppliers
Scroll sideways for an overview of 바카라 게임 table below.
Whistleblowing Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Whistleblowing complaints and consultations from suppliers non-consolidated cases - - 0 1 0


Employees punished, fined or dimissed for causing Anti-Corruption Policy violations

Scroll sideways for an overview of 바카라 게임 table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of violations of anti-corruption-related policies non-consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0
Employee punishments and dismissals non-consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0
Corruption-related fines issued non-consolidated yen 0 0 0 0 0
Applications of corruption-related penalties non-consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0

Political Donations

Scroll sideways for an overview of 바카라 게임 table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Political donations non-consolidated 10,000 yen 118 113 104 106 89
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