Research 바카라 룰 Development System

Nippon Kayaku's R&D system has established the Technology Unit to oversee the entire company's technology divisions in order to respond to new business development 바카라 룰 rapid technological innovation. In addition, in each business units, we have an R&D structure tailored to the R&D target fields where future growth can be expected.

바카라 룰

Outline of Laboratories

Research & Development Division

바카라 룰

In the Research & Development Division, we work on development of pyrotechnic devices that use our explosive technologies for various applications in vehicles such disk type inflators (for driver's 바카라 룰 passenger seat airbags), cylinder type inflators (for side, seat cushion, 바카라 룰 knee airbags), 바카라 룰 micro gas generators for seatbelt pretensioners. We will put all our effort to provide safety 바카라 룰 security in the mobility area. We are also building a research 바카라 룰 development system to provide lowcost, high quality safety components in a timely manner to customers spread across the globe by combining the safety component technologies from production bases located around the world.

Fine Chemicals R&D Laboratories

The Fine Chemicals R&D Laboratories develop products that combine our materials with multiple other materials by applying our core technologies in resins, colorants, 바카라 룰 catalysts. We develop epoxy resins with a high heat resistance, maleimide resins 바카라 룰 other distinctive materials that contribute to the realization of Society 5.0—which calls for a 5G information communications society 바카라 룰 other such technological advancements. We also look to further our extensive knowledge base in colorant synthesis technologies in the development of colorants for inkjet printers 바카라 룰 other feature-led functional color materials as a step towards realizing the sustainable development goals (SDGs). In addition, we are furthering development of high-performance catalysts for manufacturing basic chemicals such as acrylic 바카라 룰 methacrylic acids, 바카라 룰 we are successively putting them on the market.

Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories

The Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories are vigorously pursuing R&D on new anti-cancer drugs using small molecule drug development, biotechnology, 바카라 룰 polymer synthesis technologies, while conducting joint research with multiple external research institutions. In response to extremely high prices for biomedicines, we have become involved in the development 바카라 룰 introduction of biosimilars as the low-cost formulations that society needs, 바카라 룰 are taking on the challenge of manufacturing high-quality, high-yield biomedicines. Furthermore, in generic anti-cancer drugs, we are focusing on the development of highly convenient innovative formulations to meet medical needs.

Agrochemicals Laboratories

In the Agrochemicals Laboratories, we launched FINESAVE® in June 2018. This is a new insecticide for fruits 바카라 룰 vegetables that we had been working to bring to the market.
 We are proposing good uses of FINESAVE® to increase market penetration, searching for new agrochemicals that are safe 바카라 룰 easy to use, 바카라 룰 actively working to develop unique formulations. We also continue to exp바카라 룰 indications for existing products.

Company-wide Coordination 바카라 룰 Promotion of R&D

The search for knowledge is also important in R&D for ambidextrous management. The Research & Development Group takes the lead on company-wide activities 바카라 룰 works together with universities 바카라 룰 start-up companies to actively search for new knowledge. The Research & Development Management Committee is the organization that grapples with company-wide management issues in R&D in general. Of the R&D aimed at creating new products 바카라 룰 new businesses, we strategically allocate company-wide business resources to themes that can be expected to turn into major growth businesses in the future 바카라 룰 pursue them as corporate research.

Voice!:~ Let's go out more 바카라 룰 more!~

The establishment of an open innovation framework, which we have been promoting since 2020, has gradually been put in place. For example, we have invested in outside venture capital 바카라 룰 are now able to efficiently search for startups that are deeply related to our business strategy areas. In addition, employees in charge of new business planning are stationed at CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center) located in Toranomon, Tokyo. They are also participating in various events while exploring the possibility of collaboration.
MI (Materials Informatics) initiative, which is being promoted as part of our research DX, has been prepared for hardware 바카라 룰 software so that researchers can work at any time in the workplace. In addition, we have also implemented education using E-Learning.
We will now move on to the stage of accelerating the creation of promising new business themes in an environment that has finally been put in place.

Dairi Kubo
General Manager of R&D Planning Department,
Technology Unit

*MI: A method of analyzing a vast amount of data, such as experiments 바카라 룰 papers, 바카라 룰 utilizing it for R&D, such as the molecular structure design of materials

Cross organizational coordination

Meeting of research laboratory heads

A meeting of research laboratory heads is held twice a year, serving as a place to draw on the organizational capabilities of each research laboratory 바카라 룰 bring underlying technologies together. These meetings are used to investigate opportunities to implement the successful measures applied in each research laboratory at other research laboratories, 바카라 룰 in the development of researchers, while also reviewing the elemental technologies 바카라 룰 core technologies used Company-wide, 바카라 룰 discussing the appropriate placement of personnel.

KAYAKU Technology Forum

Once a year researchers 바카라 룰 engineers from each research laboratory gather to give oral presentations 바카라 룰 poster based presentations on the elemental technologies 바카라 룰 core technologies held by each research laboratory. The exchanges between researchers working in different fields is used as an opportunity to gain hints toward the creation of new applications for developed items, 바카라 룰 invaluable insight provided from an objective point of view.

In Fiscal Year 2024, the Integrated R&D Building was used as the main venue 바카라 룰 web meetings were also utilized to hold presentations on “Innovation created by thinking from the future”.
In oral 바카라 룰 posters, we presented R&D topics 바카라 룰 R&D DX for the R&D departments that contributed to our business, deepened mutual underst바카라 룰ing of the in-house technologies cultivated over Nippon Kayaku's history, reviewed our own technologies, 바카라 룰 actively exchanged views as a place where the "existing knowledge" of our department 바카라 룰 "new knowledge" that we had not previously known met.

Exchange meeting for analytical evaluation technologies

An exchange meeting for analytical evaluation technologies is held once a year as a place for analytical evaluation researchers 바카라 룰 engineers who perform analysis 바카라 룰 evaluation in different business areas of R&D Group, each research laboratories, 바카라 룰 plants to gather for discussion 바카라 룰 to exchange opinions, while sharing success stories 바카라 룰 issues faced.

Research 무료 바카라 Development

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