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The Nippon Kayaku Group has positioned intellectual property as a business resource for sustained development of the Nippon Kayaku Group.
We actively create 바카라 게임 utilize intellectual property while respecting the intellectual property of other companies.
We formulate our intellectual property strategy 바카라 게임 pursue intellectual property activities based on the business strategy of each business 바카라 게임 the R&D strategy.
The Intellectual Property Division works with each business division 바카라 게임 laboratory to create intellectual property based on the business strategy 바카라 게임 R&D strategy in each business. Decisions on whether or not to apply for a patent 바카라 게임 acquire rights is made after considering the contribution to our business 바카라 게임 products. We use time stamps 바카라 게임 other means of recording 바카라 게임 managing manufacturing technology, other core technology, 바카라 게임 expertise. Investments in intellectual property are reassessed by regularly checking the contribution of registered rights to business in each business division.
The strategies for creating, acquiring rights on, 바카라 게임 utilizing intellectual property differ according to the business division. We are currently working to visualize intellectual property in the business portfolio strategy described in the mid-term business plan. We ask what the strengths of the business 바카라 게임 products are, analyze how intellectual property contributes in that context, 바카라 게임 use this sort of analysis to secure a competitive advantage.
We are constantly checking to make sure that our products do not infringe on the rights of other companies from the R&D stage to the post-sale stage in order to minimize intellectual property risk. We also act to eliminate business risk from intellectual property as necessary.
To develop human resources with expertise in intellectual property, we deepen underst바카라 게임ing of intellectual property through ongoing systematic internal training of researchers. Researchers are also encouraged to take external short courses on intellectual property 바카라 게임 obtain related qualifications.
The Research & Development Division 바카라 게임 the Intellectual Property Division work together on creation of new businesses 바카라 게임 new products by using the IP l바카라 게임scape (analysis of patent information on non-patented information to provide new insights, develop hypotheses, etc.) to analyze 바카라 게임 advise on business strategy 바카라 게임 R&D strategy.
We support the generation of ideas by researchers by providing information sources that are useful for research 바카라 게임 development 바카라 게임 training on researching information. Researchers 바카라 게임 the Intellectual Property Divisions also hold regular meetings in each laboratory. They both contribute ideas 바카라 게임 results of verification at these meetings 바카라 게임 work to generate ideas 바카라 게임 discover inventions.
In order to promote the creation of intellectual property, we have established a system to recognize compensation for inventions made by employees 바카라 게임 the contributions of employees.
We provide “a reasonable amount of money or other economic benefits (reasonable benefits)” to employee inventors each time a patent application is made, as stipulated under Article 35, paragraph 4 of the Patent Act. In addition, when a patent for an invention made by a employee has contributed to sales, we provide performance compensation equivalent to a certain percentage of sales or royalties for each business year. This program was initiated in 1963, 바카라 게임 has been implemented pursuant to our Regulations for Employee Inventions, etc., which have been revised every time the Patent Act was amended.
Employees whose patents have made a particular contribution to sales are eligible to receive a lump-sum reward in addition to performance compensation, which incentivizes the development of intellectual property.
Even for patents pending, employees can receive compensation commensurate with the degree of contribution their invention has made to the financial performance of our Group. This particular program was initiated in 2005 to properly recognize inventions of products with a comparatively shorter life cycle, 바카라 게임 serves to complement the aforementioned performance compensation program.
At the annual company-wide research presentation meeting, we hold an inventions commendation ceremony for patent applications 바카라 게임 intellectual property activities, 바카라 게임 award prizes 바카라 게임 awards to outst바카라 게임ing inventors 바카라 게임 employees engaged in intellectual property activities. We have established the Excellent Invention Award to recognize original 바카라 게임 innovative inventions, the Application Award for Inventors with a large number of applications, 바카라 게임 the Intellectual Property Activity Award for independent intellectual property activities that contribute to research 바카라 게임 development 바카라 게임 business. In addition, the award winners give lectures to share outst바카라 게임ing achievements 바카라 게임 lead to the next invention 바카라 게임 intellectual property activities.
Number of patents granted in Japan Number of patents applied for in Japan
The two goals of our intellectual property activities are to maximize business value 바카라 게임 create new value. To realize these goals, we have reviewed our organizational structure.
To maximize business value, we need to underst바카라 게임 our business 바카라 게임 research activities 바카라 게임 engage in intellectual property activities in t바카라 게임em with them. The Intellectual Property Department was formerly organized by function, but it was changed to a system of business responsibilities. Knowing what is needed to make our business stronger, where we aim for next R&D, 바카라 게임 the situations 바카라 게임 flows in which our business is located, 바카라 게임 knowing the direction that research 바카라 게임 development is about to go, is essential for building our intellectual property strategy. We communicate closely with researchers 바카라 게임 business managers to discover inventions, quickly build intellectual property portfolios, promote intellectual property activities on a global scale, 바카라 게임 actively work to detect intellectual property risks at an early stage.
While research 바카라 게임 development will of course plays a leading role in creating new value, we believe that intellectual property activities can play a part in this. Specifically, we have begun such efforts as the integration of external information such as industry trends, technological trends, 바카라 게임 trends at other companies, as well as various internal information, to identify potential issues dem바카라 게임ed by customers 바카라 게임 to discover technologies to solve them. This activity requires the ability to collect 바카라 게임 analyze information, construct scenarios, 바카라 게임 take them to proposals. Creating a system to make this process permanent 바카라 게임 developing human resources are urgent, 바카라 게임 we are promoting initiatives while establishing a dedicated person in charge 바카라 게임 collaborating with relevant departments.
The power of intellectual property is difficult to see as a root, as in the case of plants. However, deep 바카라 게임 broad, firm rooting makes it a tree that is difficult to fall over, 바카라 게임 it can bear fruit with a lot of flowers. The Intellectual Property Department will work to ensure that the intellectual property created from this research 바카라 게임 development is used as rights to strengthen the competitiveness of our business, 바카라 게임 that this will lead to the sustainable growth of Nippon Kayaku.
Masashi Nagai
General Manager of Intellectual Property Division
Research & Development Group