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Nippon Kayakuʼs efforts towards cancer treatment have provided numerous products since the launch 바카라 추천 BLEO™.
A large lineup 바카라 추천 cancer-related products and accumulation 바카라 추천 information as well as know-how are our strong points. In the cancer-related field, we aim to contribute to society through improved medical care by promoting innovations in our proprietary technologies and by providing a stable supply 바카라 추천 and information about high quality pharmaceutical products. We do this by stationing cancer-specialist medical representatives throughout Japan, setting up Medical Information Service Centers, where we respond to inquiries from medical pr바카라 추천essionals and others, and preparing a framework that can deliver information to medical institutions about correct drug use for assisting in medical treatment.
Nippon Kayaku's involvement with anti-cancer drugs dates back to 1969, when it released bleomycin. After that, the company has continued its research and development 바카라 추천 therapeutic agents for the improvement 바카라 추천 cancer treatment. As 바카라 추천 September 2024, Nippon Kayaku has launched 51 anti-cancer drugs and cancer-related drugs, including generics.
The company's strength lies in its extensive line 바카라 추천 anti-cancer drugs and expertise.
(as 바카라 추천 January, 2025)
In addition to anti-cancer drugs, Nippon Kayaku also researches, develops, and sells other drugs used in cancer treatment. These typically include a pain relief drug to relieve the pain caused by metastatic bone cancer.
Nippon Kayaku aims to make further contributions to patients, their families, and medical pr바카라 추천essionals through the rapid commercialization 바카라 추천 biosimilar pharmaceuticals, which are playing a major role in the treatment 바카라 추천 cancer and Autoimmune disease. By providing a wide range 바카라 추천 biosimilars, the company hopes to help realize a society where everyone has access to high quality medical care, at any place and time.
(as 바카라 추천 September, 2024)
Nippon Kayaku is also engaged in the development 바카라 추천 generic drugs. Since there are a large number 바카라 추천 drugs involved in cancer treatment, including anti-cancer and anti-emetic drugs, in these generic drugs, the company has worked to further expand its lineup 바카라 추천 cancer medications.
In addition to cancer-related drugs, Nippon Kayaku is engaged in the development and manufacturing 바카라 추천 other pharmaceuticals, such as cardiovascular treatments.