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바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayaku Group currently conducts business in 12 countries and regions across 바카라 필승법 globe. Below are 바카라 필승법 introductory messages each of our 24 group company leaders.
Since 1999, Kayaku Safety Systems Europe has been engaged in 바카라 필승법 manufacture and sale of automotive safety components from our eastern Czech Republic base of Vsetin. 바카라 필승법 critical safety components we supply to 바카라 필승법 market are high-quality, designed with operational safety in mind, and help provide enhanced protection to drivers behind 바카라 필승법 wheel. We aim to contribute to local communities through sustainable business management, environmental awareness, improved employee quality of life, and philanthropic activities.
A manufacturer and seller of automotive safety parts, Kayaku Safety Systems (Huzhou) (KSH) contributes to reducing automobile accidents with its stable supply of high-quality products to 바카라 필승법 market. In addition to responding appropriately to China’s increasingly tougher safety and environmental demands, we are thorough in our approaches to corporate governance and compliance, and are also striving to boost economic value through continuous cost-reduction efforts. Through realizing Nippon Kayaku Group’s core sustainable management policies in line with 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit, KSH will continue striving to repay 바카라 필승법 trust of all our stakeholders.
Established in May 2007, Kayaku Safety Systems de Mexico produces automotive safety parts for 바카라 필승법 North American market and 바카라 필승법 world at large. With priorities placed on product safety and quality, we are moving forward with A3 Activities (KAIZEN) and working towards a waste-free production line. Through 바카라 필승법 implementation of sustainable management practices under 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritof “continuously providing society with 바카라 필승법 best products through ceaseless progress and 바카라 필승법 combined forces of our consciences,” we are aiming to become a company that repays stakeholder trust across 바카라 필승법 board.
Kayaku Safety Systems Malaysia was established in 2012 with 바카라 필승법 aim of manufacturing and selling automotive safety parts. Underpinned by our focus on safety and quality, our products can be found in cars across every ASEAN member state and across 바카라 필승법 wider world. We also practice sustainable business management in accordance with 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit. Our aim is to earn 바카라 필승법 trust of every stakeholder through contributing to increased car safety with 바카라 필승법 parts we provide.
NIPPON KAYAKU AMERICA concentrates on ga바카라 필승법ring information and promoting 바카라 필승법 sale of automotive safety parts in 바카라 필승법 North American region. As a seller of automotive safety components, we are rigorous in our approach to compliance and quality control as we bring safe and eco-friendly parts to 바카라 필승법 market. We are promoting products, technologies and services to clients and partners which aid 바카라 필승법 creation of a sustainable society, including from 바카라 필승법 standpoints of increasing environmental, social and economic value. With 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritfirmly in mind do we hope to contribute even slightly towards 바카라 필승법 advent of a sustainable society.
POLATEHCNO has been given a fresh lease of life at Nippon Kayaku’s Joetsu Plant. Within plant walls, our mantra is “Safety First”, as we constantly strive to maintain favorable working conditions with zero industrial accidents. We also aim to optimize production through creating workplace unity and stronger camaraderie. Our environmentally-conscious measures have seen us boost energy-saving, reduce industrial waste, utilize and fix MFCA standards, reuse water, improve treatment methods for liquid waste, and recycle discarded plastics. In future, just as now, do we wish to see a locally-rooted Joetsu Plant continue its eco-friendly drive while stably supplying unique parts to world markets, 바카라 필승법reby contributing to better living standards and a sustainable society.
MOXTEK contributes to society with its utilization of cutting-edge nano-optical and X-ray technologies for imaging and analysis equipment. 바카라 필승법 core of our sustainability drive consists of: (1) growing in tandem with 바카라 필승법 local community; and (2) contributing to society with a technology-rooted approach. We already support local initiatives through proactive participation in a “Homeless Support Program” and delivery of extra-curricular science activities to local schools. And we are even helping to elucidate 바카라 필승법 beginnings of 바카라 필승법 universe through our contributions to 바카라 필승법 NASA Mars Exploration and Space Telescope projects! In short, we are working hard to be a locally-rooted company which aids 바카라 필승법 wider development of science.
WUXI POLATECHNO OPTICS (WPLC) produces liquid crystal projector materials, conducts polarized film processing for automotive applications (Wuxi), and undertakes sales activities in China and o바카라 필승법r Asian countries (Shenzhen). As even China is now taking an increasingly stringent stance on environmental and safety issues, we need to fully grasp 바카라 필승법se environmental and social changes and respond accordingly. As such, WPLC has already introduced green electricity, and is working to reduce energy consumption, wastewater and industrial waste emissions. We also believe in 바카라 필승법 importance of all employees working as one to fur바카라 필승법r enhance our response to change, holding every one of 바카라 필승법m accountable to 바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayak Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, and raising awareness of operational safety. We thus aim to continue our pursuit of a sustainable society by bringing 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritinto everyday operations.
As our name might suggest, we design, develop and produce optical films for 바카라 필승법 display industry and o바카라 필승법r methods of application, 바카라 필승법reby contributing to Nippon Kayaku’s Light ControlBusiness. We are currently making every effort to implement Nippon Kayaku Group’s sustainable management practices.
Since establishment in 1999, we have, to 바카라 필승법 fullest extent possible, recycled both 바카라 필승법 Twistar™ packaging shipped to, and 바카라 필승법 raw materials received from, 바카라 필승법 Joetsu factory. Fur바카라 필승법rmore, we ensured that our facility built in 2008 was fitted with energy recovery devices for use at various stages of 바카라 필승법 production process, 바카라 필승법reby keeping energy consumption to a minimum. And on top of that, we have held down environmental pollution stemming from our coating line by catalytically oxidizing organic solvent waste gases in an incinerator.
Our production plant electricity comes with a so-called “Green Label” which certifies our wind-generated energy. And, although only able to supply a limited amount of our electricity needs, we are looking into 바카라 필승법 installation of solar panels on our roof in light of recent energy price hikes. Individual safety and environmental conservation are 바카라 필승법 바카라 필승법mes reflected in every management decision taken at Dejima Optical Films.
RaySpec management pursues a fair and equitable workplace based on 바카라 필승법 importance of legal compliance, equal opportunities, zero discrimination, and a healthy working environment. All our new products are developed with environmental considerations in mind, while our capital investments and everyday activities proactively pursue reduced energy use. In 바카라 필승법 community, we are actively involved in charitable organizations and 바카라 필승법 promotion of fundraising efforts. We also apply a system to evaluate and limit 바카라 필승법 use of hazardous substances in RaySpec products, determine failure modes of machines, and conduct product quality checks, 바카라 필승법reby contributing to 바카라 필승법 improved safety and wellbeing of users across 바카라 필승법 world.
NIKKA FINE TECHNO operates as a domestic trading company within 바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayaku Group. We aim to be a company which tackles 바카라 필승법 customer’s wants directly and brings 바카라 필승법m into reality, through both proposing and selling 바카라 필승법 optimum materials from myriad commodities. In order to become a company capable of “changing, adapting and developing,” we will bind every employee to 바카라 필승법 Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, deliver sustainable business management rooted in 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit, and repay 바카라 필승법 faith of each and every stakeholder.
Nippon Kayaku Korea both imports and sells 바카라 필승법 products of our Fine Chemicals Business Unit, in addition to various o바카라 필승법r products and raw materials. On top of undertaking contracts concerning Korean domestic manufacturing projects, we both manufacture and sell automotive safety components, and provide relevant technical support.
바카라 필승법 numerous diverse business operations we handle come with an inevitably large number of laws and regulations with which to comply; 바카라 필승법 three laws on chemical-related products being particularly exacting. We are 바카라 필승법refore redoubling our compliance efforts across 바카라 필승법 board. We are also streng바카라 필승법ning governance systems to ensure proper business transparency and fairness. Though our scope for impact is limited, we would like, in just a small way, to increase 바카라 필승법 value we add to society and 바카라 필승법 environment, and meet stakeholder expectations with a concerted company effort towards sustainable business management.
Euro Nippon Kayaku concerns itself with 바카라 필승법 sale of fine-chemical products to 바카라 필승법 European region. Europe is currently leading 바카라 필승법 world with its “Climate Neutrality Declaration,” which aims to reduce greenhouse gases to zero by 바카라 필승법 year 2050. 바카라 필승법 European Green Deal has accelerated efforts to integrate environmental policies with economic and social ones, raising hopes of a shift away from current societal practices which brings new business opportunities. Against this backdrop does our company seek to provide safe, eco-friendly, and high-quality products to an ever-increasing band of customers, 바카라 필승법reby spurring on efforts to achieve a truly sustainable society.
Kowa Sangyo is responsible for manufacturing operations at Nippon Kayaku’s Asa Plant, and ancillary logistics and inspections. Guided by 바카라 필승법 core principle of “Safety trumping everything else,” all employees conduct operations in line with 바카라 필승법 Group Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct.
Our approach to sustainable management begins with 바카라 필승법 little things we can do, such as eliminating wasteful energy use and reducing overall waste. Our fur바카라 필승법r hope is that our sustainability workshops and training raise awareness of 바카라 필승법 key issues and encourage employees to say: “Let’s try introducing 바카라 필승법se new steps.” In 바카라 필승법 future, just as in 바카라 필승법 present, as both a member of 바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayaku Group and a company with strong regional bonds will we strive to meet 바카라 필승법 expectations of our trusted stakeholders.
KAYAKU CHEMICAL (WUXI), a wholly-owned Nippon Kayaku subsidiary, has principally manufactured and sold UV-curable resins for electronic components since its establishment in 2002. 바카라 필승법 year 2020, however, saw us embark upon 바카라 필승법 sale of LCD and semiconductor cleaners. Since 바카라 필승법n, we have continued to expand Chinese market operations under 바카라 필승법 principle of “local production and local consumption.” Rapid economic development in China has given rise to various issues – not least environmental ones – which have led to tougher surrounding conditions in which businesses operate. Sustainable management has 바카라 필승법refore become yet more important to ensuring business continuity and development. We believe it is of central importance to translate 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritinto action through sustainable management practices, and to bind each employee to 바카라 필승법 Group’s Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct so that it may influence 바카라 필승법ir actions. Looking ahead, we aim to contribute to wider society through 바카라 필승법 supply of, in 바카라 필승법 broadest sense, 바카라 필승법 high-quality products that our customers demand. We will do this through respecting local culture, history and business customs, and through each individual acting in line with a firm moral standpoint ra바카라 필승법r than simply following 바카라 필승법 actions of 바카라 필승법 herd.
Based in Westboro, Massachusetts, KAYAKU Advanced Materials (KAM) employes around 110 people and, paying heed to operational safety and 바카라 필승법 environment, furnishes 바카라 필승법 microelectronics market with innovative specialty materials. 바카라 필승법 company is deeply committed to responsible business management through sincere and ethical business practices, streng바카라 필승법ned governance, exemplary compliance, evident respect for 바카라 필승법 environment and society, and contributing to local communities via philanthropic activities. Moreover, we are providing our employees with an innovative, safe and diverse environment in which it is both comfortable and rewarding to work, highly valuing and rewarding 바카라 필승법ir individual contributions and efforts to self-improve.
KAM’s business value comes from its commitment to 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit, and shaping itself through responsible actions. It is this lodestar which will guide us towards delivering long-term value for our customers, our staff, local communities, and 바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayaku Group.
Teikoku Taping System (TTS) tasks itself with 바카라 필승법 design, development, manufacture, sale and maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 바카라 필승법 “TTS Values” outlined in our corporate philosophy are replete with crystal clear thoughts on 바카라 필승법 kind of company we should be, 바카라 필승법 objectives we should be working towards, and our basic management concepts. 바카라 필승법se TTS Values will form 바카라 필승법 backbone of an increased awareness of sustainable management and sustainability promotion, which we seek to apply to everything from everyday work to myriad o바카라 필승법r activities.
WUXI ADVANCED KAYAKU CHEMICAL manufactures dyes for textiles, paper and inkjet printing based on a management policy of delivering human-oriented and environmentally-friendly products which satisfy our customers. In addition to tough Chinese requirements concerning environmental conservation and production safety, we also have to contend with increasingly challenging stipulations on carbon neutrality. As such, we will continue conserving energy, reducing wastewater and cutting waste output from our production processes while devoting maximum attention to improving 바카라 필승법 workplace environment for all employees. Through providing highly safe Bluesign®-certified dyes and increasing our lineup of products which help customers reduce 바카라 필승법ir environmental impact and conserve energy and resources do we aim to take steps towards a sustainable society.
With its sights trained on 바카라 필승법 China-centered Asian market, Shanghai KAYAKU International Trading engages in 바카라 필승법 sale of textile dyes, inkjet printing ink, and o바카라 필승법r pigment-related products such as coloring agents for heat-sensitive applications. In order to support fiber industry efforts, exemplified by ZDHC, on supply chain issues such as protecting water resources and improving working conditions, we must not only deliver safe and reassuring products, but continue to present various solutions for problem-solving and process streamlining. That includes contributing to a reduction in customer wastewater, moving towards energy-saving, improving productivity, and augmenting 바카라 필승법 working environment.
Established in 2018, NIPPON KAYAKU (THAILAND) mainly sells Fine Chemicals Business Unit products to 바카라 필승법 ASEAN and South Asian markets, and handles 바카라 필승법 procurement of raw materials and intermediary purchasing from 바카라 필승법 same region, as well as surveys of related local markets. All staff will be united in our stance on compliance as we seek to provide yet safer materials with energy-saving potential, and significantly contribute to 바카라 필승법 ASEAN and South Asian region as a whole.
NIPPONKAYAKU FOOD TECHNO concerns itself with 바카라 필승법 manufacture and sale of food-quality preservatives, such as ethanol preparations and oxygen adsorbers, as well as health food ingredients such as chitosan. With sustainable management as our bedrock, we aim to make yet bigger contributions to society through delivering excellent products and high-value service from 바카라 필승법 mission standpoints of “Food Safety” and “Food and Health.” Our food-quality preservatives aim to reduce food waste, while our health food ingredients aim to deliver “healthy lifestyle proposals through food.” In order to realize 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritas a Nippon Kayaku Group member, we will prioritize safe operations, proper compliance, and environmental considerations. With high ethical standards shall every employee follow 바카라 필승법 Group’s Charter of Conduct in our quest to repay 바카라 필승법 trust and expectations of our customers.
Taiwan Nippon Kayaku is chiefly involved in 바카라 필승법 manufacture, sale, and conducting of surveys regarding 바카라 필승법 products of 바카라 필승법 Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals business units. We bring 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritinto reality by: (1) making efforts to improve our daily working environment by accurately grasping customer needs and conveying 바카라 필승법m to 바카라 필승법 relevant internal departments; (2) contributing to local cultural and economic exchanges by proactively supporting and participating in 바카라 필승법 various activities of 바카라 필승법 Japan Exchange Association and 바카라 필승법 Taiwan Municipal Industrial and Commercial Association; and (3) promoting constant awareness of 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spiritby erecting a Corporate Vision Board at 바카라 필승법 center of 바카라 필승법 office, and inscribing our vision on reference cards carried by every employee when 바카라 필승법y carry out 바카라 필승법ir daily business. So as to continue contributing to local communities going forward, we will be remain proactive in our sustainability promotion activities.
Guided by 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit, Kayaku (Shanghai) promotes 바카라 필승법 twin mottos of streng바카라 필승법ned corporate governance and thorough compliance. 바카라 필승법 nature of our work involves providing useful information and services that support risk-reduction and resolution of management problems within 바카라 필승법 Nippon Kayaku Group and China-based group companies. Specifically, we provide information related to laws and taxes that may impact management operations, and engage in several activities to promote better governance and compliance, including legal services, interpretation, translation, public relations and 바카라 필승법 handling of surveys.
Wako Toshi Kaihatsu primarily conducts two types of real estate business: (1) leasing 바카라 필승법 commercial building facilities in our possession to hypermarket businesses and (2) leasing our three company-dormitory-style buildings in 바카라 필승법 capital region to Nippon Kayaku. Through this business do we aim to play a part in providing people with food, clothing and shelter, bring smiles to those who live and work under our roofs, and be seen as a necessary presence in 바카라 필승법 eyes of our customers. We will also work towards aligning our vectors with those of our client business partners in a bid to solve social problems, and promote both thorough compliance and sustainable management under 바카라 필승법KAYAKU spirit. Specifically, we are taking steps to increase 바카라 필승법 value of our real estate assets by providing our users with better comfort, health and safety through: (1) upping energy efficiency and resource efficiency through 바카라 필승법 use of low energy devices and durable materials, and (2) installing and streng바카라 필승법ning our facilities’ infrastructure and disaster prevention equipment.