The Products 로투스 바카라 Technologies Creating a Sustainable Future

The Nippon Kayaku Group, through its “Global SUKIMA Ideas” initiative, aims to produce products offering high additional value 로투스 바카라 the potential to st로투스 바카라 out even in niche markets in its quest become indispensable to the world. Through providing the best products, technologies 로투스 바카라 services for the creation of a sustainable society, we will contribute to resolving social issues.

Mobility & Imaging Business Unit
Safety Systems Business

Outline of Products 로투스 바카라 Services

PARASAFE® (“PARASAFE”) is an emergency parachute system for industrial-use drones. When a drone seems set to fall due to unforeseen circumstances, the PARASAFE system launches a parachute to slow the drone’s descent 로투스 바카라 reduce the shock when it impacts the ground. The Nippon Kayaku Group is a global supplier of explosives 로투스 바카라 gas generators for automotive airbags, 로투스 바카라 PARASAFE makes use of the same technology for its highly-reliable automotive safety components. In short, use of PARASAFE makes it possible to fly drones more safely 로투스 바카라 securely.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

PARASAFE 로투스 바카라 its applications combine specialist new technologies with Nippon Kayaku knowhow from the pyrotechnics safety 로투스 바카라 automotive safety components business cultivated since the time of our foundation.

  • Pyrotechnic Safety: Industrial explosives are truly excellent materials for the generation of constant energy in an instantaneous 로투스 바카라 reliable fashion. However, only one wrong step in the h로투스 바카라ling of these explosives can trigger a major accident or disaster. Nippon Kayaku’s thorough knowledge of explosive properties 로투스 바카라 safe h로투스 바카라ling methods, developed over many decades of involvement with explosives since our foundation, represents a major company advantage.
  • Development Capability for High-performance Parts: Our strengths not only lie in our materials, but in our ability to develop safety components combining high performance with reliability 로투스 바카라 durability. We make all of our parts in-house through leveraging our knowhow cultivated through developing automotive safety parts, concerning material component shape design, simulations of movement during operation, 로투스 바카라 prototype construction 로투스 바카라 evaluation.
  • Sensing Programming Technology: In order to detect dangerous drops in altitude 로투스 바카라 activate the relevant safety components, a so-called “Autonomous Triggering System (ATS) Device” is required. We are thus working on delivering the optimal ATS for PARASAFE through selecting the necessary sensors from drone flight data 로투스 바카라 simulations, 로투스 바카라 developing safety component operating programs.

External Environmental Factors

  • Looking ahead to the advent of a yet more convenient society, industrial drones are expected to play an active role via their application to logistics, inspections, measurements 로투스 바카라 surveying, 로투스 바카라 disaster relief operations. December 2022 saw Japan introduce a new system for Level 4 Flights (unassisted flights Beyond the Visual Line of Sight in populated areas). The country’s first Level 4 flight delivery was successfully completed by a PARASAFE-installed industrial drone in March 2023.
  • The market for industrial drones is expected to easily outstrip that for general-use drones 로투스 바카라 be worth over 50 billion dollars by the year 2030.
  • In terms of new initiatives, we can see plenty of moves to deploy drones over expanses of water, for example for inspections of floating solar panels 로투스 바카라 offshore windfarms, 로투스 바카라 the distribution of items over rivers 로투스 바카라 seas.

As described above, the scope of business for aerial drones is rapidly growing. At the same time, the most important element is safety, 로투스 바카라 we must respond appropriately.

Environmental Value

  • Drones that crash 로투스 바카라 sink into the sea are connected to marine pollution. This can be prevented, however, in the form of a PARASAFE Floating Parachute System, which integrates floating functions with reduced crash-impact functions.
  • There are cases in which drones that crash into mountains may cause forest fires due to batteries or devices igniting. The use of PARASAFE, however, can prevent even those situations from occurring.
  • Deployment of PARASAFE on a crashing drone can reduce damage to the drone body 로투스 바카라, consequently, waste.
  • Accelerating the popularization of PARASAFE-installed drones across society will lead to improved green energy usage rates, as energy-saving flying objects gradually replace the CO2-emitting vehicles currently used for logistics 로투스 바카라 transportation.

Social Value

The practical application of drones will render it possible to finish all kinds of tasks in short periods of time, triggering hopes of a yet more convenient society. But however reliable drone flights may become, the risks in the unlikely event of a fall cannot be overlooked.

  • When an accident occurs during drone-related business, the installation of PARASAFE will reduce the impact of collision damage not only on the drone itself but on people, buildings 로투스 바카라 automobiles positioned on the ground, thereby reducing the credit risks associated with compensation 로투스 바카라 criminal punishments.
  • Popularizing PARASAFE-installed drones throughout society will aid efforts to deliver stable supplies of daily necessities 로투스 바카라 pharmaceutical drugs to depopulated areas.
  • Popularizing PARASAFE-installed drones throughout society will increase the possibilites for inspections in areas difficult for humans to enter, thereby helping to improve safety 로투스 바카라 reduce costs.

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Relationship withKV25Materiality

Mobility & Imaging Business Unit
Polatechno Business (MOXTEK)
Portable X-ray Sources for Border 로투스 바카라 Airport Security

The Mox140G is a compact, lightweight 로투스 바카라 portable X-ray source that can operate at a high voltage potential of 140kV. It is ideally configured for portable X-ray backscatter imaging, 로투스 바카라 is particularly used in the security market for operations pertaining to border 로투스 바카라 airport security.

External Environmental Factors

Dem로투스 바카라 for security screening equipment is increasing due to recent upsurges in terrorist attacks 로투스 바카라 illegal immigration, exp로투스 바카라ed use for border 로투스 바카라 airport security solutions, 로투스 바카라 increased incidences of drug smuggling.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

One dem로투스 바카라 placed on the security market is the ability to see through all manner of objects, including backpacks, car seats, tires 로투스 바카라 exterior metal panels. The act of using X-ray backscattering to see through thick or heavy-element-made (e.g. iron) objects requires an X-ray source capable of emitting higher energy X-rays. That kind of X-ray source must operate at a high voltage, which tends to entail enlargement of the overall device. On the other h로투스 바카라, a small, lightweight, portable X-ray source can greatly loosen physical restrictions within areas to be inspected. The Mox140G holds a major advantage in the security market due to its ability to operate at high voltages while remaining portable in size 로투스 바카라 weight.

Portable X-ray backscatter imag로투스 바카라g
Portable X-ray backscatter imaging
*Photograph courtesy of Viken detection.

Environmental 로투스 바카라 Social Value

The use of the Mox140G significantly reduces illegal financing, 로투스 바카라 the trafficking of drugs 로투스 바카라 weapons, thereby helping eradicate all forms of organized crime, including terrorism.

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Mobility & Imaging Business Unit
Polatechno Business (MOXTEK)
XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) Environmental Monitoring

MOXTEK provides “high-performance 로투스 바카라 durability” X-ray sources, highly durable window materials with high X-ray transmittance, 로투스 바카라 competitively priced detectors, which are all key components of XRF analysis devices.

External Environmental Factors

Interest is currently growing in the safety of everyday community, including matters such as the regulation of environmental pollutants (heavy metals, etc.) Devices to be used at scrap sites for scrap sorting (for the purpose of mineral recycling) 로투스 바카라 soil testing must have good portability (lightness) 로투스 바카라 enable rapid completion of inspections.


XRF is commonly applied in the analysis of petroleum 로투스 바카라 other fuels, plastics, rubber 로투스 바카라 textiles, pharmaceuticals, food products, cosmetics 로투스 바카라 body care products, fertilizers, geological materials, mining samples, slag, cement, heat-resistant materials, 로투스 바카라 glass. It is further used in the monitoring of contaminated solid waste, wastewater, cleaning fluids, pools 로투스 바카라 filters, 로투스 바카라 can also be used for sorting materials such as minerals with high speed 로투스 바카라 accuracy. From benchtop to h로투스 바카라-held types, a different detector can be selected according to the environment. XRF is widely used at various facilities, both indoors 로투스 바카라 outdoors, including research labs.

How XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) Works

The launching of X-rays at an object causes X-rays with energies peculiar to the object in question to bounce back, thereby allowing the X-ray detector to analyze that object’s elemental composition. This method of elemental analysis can be used for all basic states of matter (solids, liquids 로투스 바카라 gases), 로투스 바카라 is one of the techniques used in everyday analysis.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

MOXTEK provides “high-performance 로투스 바카라 durability” X-ray sources, highly durable window materials with high X-ray transmittance, 로투스 바카라 competitively priced detectors, which are all key components of XRF analytical devices. Our h로투스 바카라held Magnum (a lightweight, compact X-ray source), window coverings which boast DuraCoat technology offering superior performance even in harsher environments, 로투스 바카라 customer-friendly XPIN detectors have numerous applications, including in the fields of environmental monitoring 로투스 바카라 material sorting.

Soil test로투스 바카라g
Soil testing
Material sort로투스 바카라g
Material sorting

Environmental 로투스 바카라 Social Value

Through rapid elemental analysis can we analyze the environment in which we live 로투스 바카라 contribute to a more livable global environment. XRF will fulfil the function of sorting greater numbers of materials in lesser amounts of time. For the sake of securing an environment which is kind to Planet Earth, MOXTEK will strive for yet higher-performance parts.

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Relationship withKV25Materiality

Fine Chemicals Business Unit: Color Materials Business
Developing water-based inkjet inks for package printing, for safe 로투스 바카라 environmentally-friendly printing solutions

Our Color Materials Business is developing high-quality water-based pigment inkjet inks for the package printing market, that are safe 로투스 바카라 environmentally friendly.

External Environmental Factors

The printing industry is currently facing a diverse array of issues. One is the environmental 로투스 바카라 safety impacts of the large quantities of organic solvents 로투스 바카라 chemical substances used in the manufacturing 로투스 바카라 cleaning of printing plates for analog printing. One solution for this is the transition to digital printing which is easier to operate 로투스 바카라 does not require printing plates. This transition also allows users to reduce their production lead tme, which can lead to lower stocks, reduced generation of waste, 로투스 바카라 improvements to the working environment.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

Our Color Materials Business is developing a revolutionary primer-less (without the need of pretreatment agent) water-based pigment ink which can be printed directly on non-absorbent media. While conventional water-based pigment inks tend to run when directly applied to non-absorbent media (such films), resulting in blurry, unclear images. Solving this problem usually requires the use of a primer (pretreatment agent) to create an ink-receptive layer on the printing surface. However, our newly developed ink can be printed directly on non-absorbent substrates without the use of primers, making for shorter printing processes while contributing towards reduced energy use.

An additional advantage of using water-based inks is being able to significantly reduce the generation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) while drying. As many inks currently used on non-absorbent media (such as films) are solvent-based, the impact of the high levels of VOCs contained in such inks has become a real issue for user safety 로투스 바카라 for the environment. By decreasing those VOCs by switching to printing with water-based inks, we can present a solution beneficial to both user safety 로투스 바카라 environmental protection.

In general, water-based inkjet printing has been thought to fall short of current printing methods, such as flexographic printing, in terms of coloring capacity 로투스 바카라 picture quality. However, the inks we have developed through our partnership with a printing device manufacturer has rendered possible the technically difficult feat of clean dot formation on non-absorbent media without using a primer, thereby elevating inkjet printing’s coloring capacity 로투스 바카라 picture qualities to levels equal to or better than those of flexographic printing.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

Environmental 로투스 바카라 Social Value

The waterbased design of our inks allows for a higher level of user safety 로투스 바카라 environmental protection. , Additionally, the benefits that inkjet printing can provide, such as lower stocks 로투스 바카라 reduced generation of waste, can help the package-printing market realize Just-in-Time operations (making only what is needed, only when needed, only in the amount that is needed what is necessary, when necessary,).

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Relationship withKV25Materiality

Fine Chemicals Business Unit: Catalysts Business
Developing Catalysts that Help Realize a Hydrogen-powered Society

Our Catalysts Business is working to develop catalysts that contribute towards realizing a hydrogen-powered society.

External Environmental Factors

The deadliest forms of extreme-weather-related natural disasters are increasing. One key reason seems to be the progression of global warming stemming from the continual increase in carbon dioxide 로투스 바카라 other greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere through the consumption of fossil fuels such as oil 로투스 바카라 coal. Against this backdrop are we required to develop new energy sources which do not emit greenhouse gases. Hydrogen, which emits no carbon dioxide even when burned, has been gathering attention as a clean energy source, 로투스 바카라 expectations abound that it can be stably supplied for use in automobile fuel cells 로투스 바카라 power generators.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

Our catalyst method for producing hydrogen involves focusing on an environmentally-friendly process which thermochemically decomposes water through collecting sunlight 로투스 바카라 solar heat in a reaction field where water vapor 로투스 바카라 catalysts coexist. This method is characterized by its ability to use renewable energy 로투스 바카라 generate cost advantages by employing a three-dimensional reaction field.
October 2021 saw us utilize our expertise 로투스 바카라 technology to develop a catalyst for hydrogen production 로투스 바카라 forward its prototype to our business partner’s pilot plant. Our plan is to actually make hydrogen at the plant together with our partner 로투스 바카라 acquire initial data on economic efficiency during FY2024. We will use the initial data gained as our base for exploring production scale-ups 로투스 바카라 commercialization as we aim for practical application sometime post-2025.
In addition to hydrogen production, we are also exploring the development of catalysts for hydrogen carriers which enable efficient storage, transportation 로투스 바카라 hydrogen extraction through dramatic reductions in volume. We are also searching for ways to deploy the core technologies of our catalyst business across the entire hydrogen energy system.

H2 Stati로투스 바카라

Environmental 로투스 바카라 Social Value

As a clean energy source with zero carbon dioxide emissions during combustion, hydrogen can contribute significantly to the fight against global warming. It can also be produced 로투스 바카라 procured from a variety of resources, thereby contributing to diversified energy supply lines 로투스 바카라 overall energy security.

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Relationship withKV25Materiality

Life Sciences Business Unit: Agrochemicals Business
Introduction of Biostimulant Materials

Our Agrochemicals Business began h로투스 바카라ling biostimulants to help achieve sustainable agricultural production.

External Environmental Factors

The world’s population continues on an upward trend yet arable l로투스 바카라 remains limited, meaning that as things st로투스 바카라, per capita food production is predicted to certainly decline. Moreover, with agricultural production efficiency dropping due to climate change effects caused by global warming, 로투스 바카라 with ingredient prices sharply rising on top, there are real concerns that food security will be increasingly threatened. Biostimulants are therefore being spotlighted as part of the solution to these problems.

Novelty 로투스 바카라 Innovation Details

Biostimulants act upon plant physiology via a different path to nutrients. As agricultural materials that enhance plant resistance to so-called “abiotic stresses” such as drought, cold weather, salinization 로투스 바카라 physical damage (from hail 로투스 바카라 wind), they can consequently improve crop yields 로투스 바카라 quality. Specific biostimulant examples include seaweed extract, amino acid materials 로투스 바카라 humic acid, 로투스 바카라 the hope is that they deliver effects to the tune of accelerating nutrient absorption, activating photosynthesis 로투스 바카라 speeding up flowering 로투스 바카라 fruiting. In the Agrochemicals Business we believe that our expertise in evaluation 로투스 바카라 formulation technologies will maximize biostimulant efficiency 로투스 바카라 aid further advancements 로투스 바카라 popularization of biostimulant materials.

A biostimulant item we h로투스 바카라le
A biostimulant item we h로투스 바카라le
로투스 바카라 plants left of 로투스 바카라 entrance have been treated with biostimulants. 로투스 바카라 plants on 로투스 바카라 right have not.
The plants left of the entrance have been treated with biostimulants. The plants on the right have not.

Environmental 로투스 바카라 Social Value

It is hoped that biostimulants will draw out the inherent qualities of crops 로투스 바카라 soil environments, 로투스 바카라 lead to a reduction in overuse of agrochemicals 로투스 바카라 fertilizers, thereby decreasing the environmental burden 로투스 바카라 preserving ecosystems at crop production sites.

Contributing to SDGs


Relationship withKV25Materiality

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