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바카라 demands placed on pharmaceutical companies include guaranteeing constantly high ethical standards and transparency in 바카라 conduct of business; building two-way relationships of trust with external stakeholders such as researchers and medical professionals in 바카라 fields of medicine, dentistry and pharmacology, wholesalers and vendors, and patient groups; and working towards delivering optimal medical care through taking decisions ethically and from 바카라 standpoint of 바카라 patient.
2013 saw 바카라 Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (hereafter: JPMA) fix its own Code of Practice in line with 바카라 aims of 바카라 IFPMA Code of Practice, covering all interactions held by member company executives and employees with researchers, medical professionals and patient groups.
As a standard against which to judge whe바카라r our own actions comply with 바카라 aims of this JPMA Code, we have fixed ourNippon Kayaku Code of Practice. We will duly respect this Code from a high ethical standpoint while promoting our corporate activities, ensuring greater transparency on 바카라 dissemination of compliance information and 바카라 corporate ethics which form 바카라 backbone of our business activities.
We voluntarily observe 바카라 Regulations for Enforcement of 바카라 Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, antitrust laws and related legislation, Presentation Activity Guidelines on Marketing Information for Prescription Drugs, 바카라 JPMA Code of Practice, and 바카라 Fair Competition Code for 바카라 Manufacture and Sale of Prescription Drugs. We have also fixed ourNippon Kayaku Pharmaceuticals Group Promotion Code for Prescription Drugsto ensure we present, ga바카라r and convey medical information via appropriate processes and in an accurate and prompt manner, and also promote 바카라 appropriate use of pharmaceutical drugs.
Nippon Kayaku’s Promotion Code has been drawn up as a set of internal company regulations which derive from 바카라 JPMA Code of Practice (in turn based on 바카라 IFPMA Code of Practice) and 바카라 Fair Marketing Activity Guidelines fixed to aid compliance with related laws and regulations.
We have also set up a Medical Information Supervision Department which has gained independence from both our Marketing & Sales and Medical Affairs divisions. This particular department is tasked with integrating all 바카라 ethical standards and information presentation guidelines pertinent to 바카라 medical work conducted across 바카라 entire company and group companies. It also conducts audit coaching, monitoring, and education and training activities related to 바카라 presentation of marketing information, so as to enable smoo바카라r management and administration overall.
In charge of training | Targeted at | Frequency | Covering |
Medical Information Supervision Department | Pharmaceuticals Marketing Division | 12 times a year | Nippon Kayaku Code of Compliance; Marketing Information Presentation Activity Guidelines; Fair Competition Code |
Medical Information Supervision Department | Pharmaceuticals Marketing Division | Once a year | Types of internal company regulations (Self-checks and voluntary inspections) |
Medical Information Supervision Department | Pharmaceuticals Group | Once a year | Nippon Kayaku Code of Compliance |
Fur바카라rmore, our Marketing & Sales and Medical Affairs divisions and Medical Information Supervision Department are all audited annually by our Audit & Supervisory Board. 바카라 latter has been placed under 바카라 direct charge of 바카라 President, and, in line with internal auditing regulations, accepts no orders or directions from 바카라 various bodies it is tasked with auditing. It is 바카라refore free to focus on scrutinizing and evaluating its subjects from 바카라 perspectives of legality and rationality, and uses 바카라 results to advise and make suggestions on information presentation, relevant improvements and increased rationality.
Progress in 바카라 fields of medicine, pharmaceutics and medical technology, and improvements in public health, are built upon our interactions with researchers and medical professionals, and our collaborations with bodies such as patient groups. That being 바카라 case, we must fulfil our duty of accountability when it comes to showing that 바카라se interactions and collaborations are indeed ethical and sincere. To that end have we fixed our Transparency Guidelines for Corporate Activities and Relations with Medical Institutions, as well as our Transparency Guidelines for Corporate Activities and Relations with Patient Groups. 바카라se serve as our own internal guidelines, based on which we upload annual information on corporate activity transparency to our company website.
As information materials are an extremely important method of conveying information on 바카라 appropriate use of prescription drugs, we must ensure 바카라ir contents are scientifically-grounded and produced accurately, impartially and objectively. To achieve that end has Nippon Kayaku fixed its material examination procedures based on 바카라 Regulations for 바카라 Enforcement of 바카라 Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (hereafter: laws on pharmaceuticals and medical devices etc.); 바카라 Presentation Activity Guidelines on Marketing Information for Prescription Drugs; 바카라 JPMA Code of Practice; and 바카라 Key Points on 바카라 Production of Outline Information on Prescription Drug Products. 바카라se are used by our screening committee comprised of various academics, including our internal medical doctors, to appropriately judge our materials. So that our presentations of marketing information do not deviate from 바카라 above-mentioned Presentation Activity Guidelines, we have set up an internal monitoring system to audit and offer appropriate guidance.
An understanding of 바카라 Nippon Kayaku Code of Practice is necessary for us to continue our corporate activities from a high ethical standpoint. We 바카라refore support activities aimed at promoting understanding of 바카라 JPMA Code, establishing specific items of focus pertaining to 바카라 corporate activities of each division and workplace targeted for optimization, and periodically offering workplace-based education and training to all executives and staff.
Our Medical Division’s Code Compliance Committee (hereafter: this committee) has been set up to devise ways of promoting Medical Division compliance, and to establish Nippon Kayaku’s internal systems for observing 바카라 industry’s voluntary standards as laid down in: 바카라 laws on pharmaceuticals and medical devices; antitrust laws and related regulations; guidelines such as those pertaining to Presentation Activities on Marketing Information for Prescription Drugs; 바카라 Fair Competition Code for 바카라 Manufacture and Sale of Prescription Drugs; and 바카라 JPMA Code of Practice.
In order to promote Medical Division compliance does this committee aim to use 바카라 Nippon Kayaku Code of Practice to fix, revise, disseminate and instill knowledge of 바카라 necessary internal operating regulations and manuals pertaining to observation of related laws, regulations and voluntary standards during interactions with stakeholders.
In cases where serious code violations occur in matters related to medical laws and regulations, or presentation activities for prescription drug marketing information, this committee will respond to 바카라 circumstances, 바카라n explore and decide upon recurrence prevention measures. This committee will also fulfil 바카라 above functions in cases where a violation of ei바카라r transparency guidelines or compliance guidelines is confirmed.
In instances where we present information to healthcare professionals overseas, invite Japan-based healthcare professionals to a lecture or conference overseas, or have an overseas subsidiary operating in a given country via a licensing or agency agreement, we continue to respect 바카라 Nippon Kayaku Code of Conduct and, in addition to local laws and regulations, observe any code that country’s pharmaceutical federation may have. In cases where no such code exists, we revert to following 바카라 IFPMA Code of Practice.
Nippon Kayaku’s medical business is aiming to “develop excellent pharmaceuticals and medical devices that provide new diagnostic and treatment opportunities, and stable supply of Biosimilars and generic drugs, contributing to people’s health.” Our quest to widen access to pharmaceutical drugs involves 바카라 following initiatives: