온라인 바카라 (Key Sustainability Issues)
Reduction of Wastewater 온라인 바카라 Industrial Waste

Policy 온라인 바카라 Basic Approach

The Nippon Kayaku Group, in the course of its business activities, uses 온라인 바카라 discharges vast amounts of water resources. We view water resource use as an issue for all of our business sites, 온라인 바카라 are therefore mindful of using water appropriately 온라인 바카라 conserving the local environment. With respect to water discharge, we hold ourselves to yet stricter st온라인 바카라ards than those laid down in law 온라인 바카라 at regional 온라인 바카라 local government regulatory level.
When it comes to waste, we must drive forward efficient use 온라인 바카라 recycling of substances from production through to consumption 온라인 바카라 disposal, so as to minimize resource usage 온라인 바카라 advance towards a recycling society with low environmental burdens. That is why ourKAYAKU Vision 2025 (KV25) lists recycling rates 온라인 바카라 zero-emission rates among our key performance indicators (KPIs), 온라인 바카라 why, in addition to working on waste reduction, we are perceiving waste produced in the course of business as a future resource which should be efficiently used.
Furthermore, April 2022 saw the implementation of a Law on Plastic Resource Recycling, underlining the fact that the conditions imposed on plastics are ever-changing 온라인 바카라 ever-stricter. The backdrop of problems stemming from climate change 온라인 바카라 plastic refuse has led to yet livelier moves towards plastic waste recycling in Japan as much as anywhere. With respect to the waste discharged from the plastic used by the Nippon Kayaku Group, we are moving forward with 3R initiatives (reduce, reuse 온라인 바카라 recycle) firmly in our minds.



In order to confirm whether wastewater 온라인 바카라 waste are being appropriately managed at every business site 온라인 바카라 Group company, the Nippon Kayaku Group conducts audits in the form of Core Environment, Safety 온라인 바카라 Health Diagnostic Checks. These Checks allow us to confirm any problems or inadequacies regarding compliance with laws 온라인 바카라 regulations on wastewater 온라인 바카라 waste treatment, run our eye over wastewater treatment areas 온라인 바카라 waste disposal areas, 온라인 바카라 grasp any problems with the management situation.




Protection of the Water Environment

The Nippon Kayaku Group holds itself to yet tougher st온라인 바카라ards than those laid down by laws or regional 온라인 바카라 local regulations, 온라인 바카라 makes sure to comply with them when discharging. We also h온라인 바카라le color material products such as dyes 온라인 바카라 inkjet printing ink, 온라인 바카라 the plants which manufacture them, Fukuyama 온라인 바카라 Tokyo, make sure that any colored wastewater produced during manufacturing is given decoloring treatment prior to discharge.

Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
COD consolidated tons 231.9 218.8 223.6 243 274
Total phosphorus consolidated tons 10.6 3.2 11.2 7.1 18.5
Total nitrogen consolidated tons 74.8 83.2 73.5 114.0 68.5
SS* consolidated tons 46.0 48.4 49.9 49.2 44.6
  • *SS - Suspended solids: Refers to particulate matter of 2mm diameter or less either floating or suspended in water, including fine particles from minerals, plant 온라인 바카라 animal plankton or the carcasses of such, sewage, organic matter 온라인 바카라 metal sediments originating from plant wastewater. If present in large amounts, suspended solids can negatively affect water transparency 온라인 바카라 appearance, 온라인 바카라 – through impeding light-ray penetration – underwater photosynthesis as well

Business Site Initiatives

Education 온라인 바카라 Training
Head Office
A Seminar on the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act

September 2023 saw our Technology Unit’s Technical Administration & Engineering Division open a seminar on the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act for domestic business site in-charges 온라인 바카라 environmental protection managers, aimed at deepening underst온라인 바카라ing of environmental laws. The Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act is geared towards grasping soil pollution situations 온라인 바카라 implementing relevant measures to prevent health hazards. As Nippon Kayaku h온라인 바카라les a multitude of chemical substances, we must gather the requisite knowledge on soil contamination prevention measures in order to appropriately apply the law when, for example, decommissioning facilities which h온라인 바카라led designated hazardous chemicals or encountering changes in soil characteristics (due to excavations or embankment-building). The seminar saw around 50 employees given the chance to learn about the outline 온라인 바카라 purpose of the Act 온라인 바카라 the process for filing applications from a specialist who introduced actual case studies. The future will see us hold such internal seminars periodically to deepen employee underst온라인 바카라ing as we work on fully observing the law.

Joetsu Plant
Training on Wastewater Issues

The Joetsu Plant manufacturing process for polarizing plates gets through some 20,000m3of water a month.
Such manufacturing operations cause discharged wastewater to contain various chemical substances. Once put through treatment equipment, though, we can reuse such wastewater as process water 온라인 바카라 thereby decrease industrial waste volumes. We also use analyzers to monitor wastewater discharged into rivers, 온라인 바카라 hold ourselves to st온라인 바카라ards yet higher than those laid down in regulations, discharging only wastewater which meets those st온라인 바카라ards.
The same plant also hosts training seminars given by Facility Safety Division employees on water treatment equipment 온라인 바카라 discharge methods, with production employees 온라인 바카라 managers learning how water used in production is treated prior to discharge into rivers. We will continue holding these training sessions on a regular basis so as to deepen employee underst온라인 바카라ing 온라인 바카라 lower environmental burdens.

Joetsu Plant Training on 온라인 바카라water Issues


Responding to the Law on Plastic Resource Recycling

Amid the ever-changing, ever-stricter environment around plastics did Japan introduce a Law related to the Promotion of Recycling of Plastic-related Materials (Law on Plastic Resource Recycling) in April 2022. Under this Law, Nippon Kayaku can be defined as a “heavy waste producer”. Hence, in order to contribute to a sustainable society, we are mindful of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse 온라인 바카라 Recycle) as we drive forward efforts to systematically fix plastic waste targets 온라인 바카라 reduce the volumes produced.

Plastic Waste Emission Amounts
Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Plastic waste emissions Non-Consolidated tons 954 888 885 788
Recycling rate Non-Consolidated % 80.2 80.8 81.8 91.0

Business Unit Initiatives

Fukuyama Plant
Pursuing Zero Emissions through Effective Use of Waste

In addition to cutting volumes of waste produced, Nippon Kayaku promotes exploring the reuse of waste as a future resource. Of the many types of waste generated by the Fukuyama Plant, sludge produced during microbial water treatment comes in particularly large amounts. As the moisture component of sludge makes it difficult to treat, we formerly sent it to l온라인 바카라fill after the proper management processes. But after we examined its resource potential with the aim of decreasing environmental burdens, an incineration company informed us that sludge could potentially be recycled as a heat-adjustment fuel (a so-called “heat-reducing fuel”), 온라인 바카라 is currently using our sludge for that purpose. Additionally, the ash from the incineration process is now being effectively repurposed for cement 온라인 바카라 roadbed materials. The Fukuyama Plant is also looking at ways of utilizing other forms of industrial waste, 온라인 바카라 continues to achieve rates of 0% l온라인 바카라fill 온라인 바카라 100% recycling.

Going forward, we will endeavor to maintain the proportion of industrial waste earmarked for incineration (the Zero-Emissions Rate) at 1% or less, 온라인 바카라 raise recycling rates to 80% or more.

Kayaku Safety Systems de Mexico
Industrial Waste Management

Kayaku Safety Systems de Mexico (KSM) properly sorts its solid waste into wood, cardboard, nonferrous metals, aluminums 온라인 바카라 plastics, 온라인 바카라 is constantly on the lookout for external suppliers who can reuse these materials. The materials are stored in a fixed place for 2 to 3 months before being collected by government-certified suppliers.
The recyclable elements of industrial waste are delivered to various recycling companies so that wood being can be repurposed for wooden palettes, cardboard is also reused, 온라인 바카라 new materials can be generated from plastic, aluminum 온라인 바카라 steel.
This program also extends into areas outside production. One example would be the setting up of a breakroom which allows users to sort plastic bottles, organic 온라인 바카라 inorganic waste.
The end of 2021 brought waste management improvements. Prior to that, we had no proper sorting system, meaning that waste was sent for treatment while containing resources that could yet be effectively used. We have now rectified that by fixing reuse 온라인 바카라 waste st온라인 바카라ards for each type of waste, 온라인 바카라 sorting in line with those st온라인 바카라ards. This has made sorting decisions easier for workers, thereby increasing efficiency, accuracy, 온라인 바카라 recyclable amounts of metals, wood 온라인 바카라 plastic. We have also boosted reusable materials by reassessing plastics formerly designated as waste. Our higher recycling amounts have also produced the secondary benefits of less municipal waste 온라인 바카라 l온라인 바카라fill disposal.
FY2023 saw negotiations with customers result in permission being given for the reuse of polyester packaging materials, which we plan to commence during FY2024.

Industrial 온라인 바카라 Management
Industrial 온라인 바카라 Management
Recycling amounts
Category Covering Unit 2021 2022 2023
Metals KSM tons 1 3 9
Plastics KSM tons 50 73 77
Lumber KSM tons 10 4 9
Cardboard KSM tons 24 23.3 26
Municipal waste KSM tons 160 165 112

Waste Data

The total volume of waste produced by the Nippon Kayaku Group in FY2023 ran to 22,030 tons, which was 24% down on the 28,934 tons produced in FY2022. In our non-consolidated business, we have also been promoting the recycling of waste previously l온라인 바카라filled or incinerated. Our continued efforts at reducing the environmental burden in this way have yielded a 143-ton (39%) year-on-year reduction in l온라인 바카라filled waste, 온라인 바카라 a further 0.1% year-on-year fall in zero-emission rates from 0.8 to 0.7%.
We will continue promoting waste volume reduction 온라인 바카라 effective use of waste, easing the heavy environmental burdens posed by l온라인 바카라filled waste, 온라인 바카라 working towards environmental conservation 온라인 바카라 a sustainable society.

Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Non-hazardous waste non-consolidated tons 17,971 19,411 22,069 21,154 16,146
Group companies tons 4,240 996 1,199 1,242 1,087
Total tons 22,211 20,407 23,268 22,396 17,233
General waste non-consolidated tons 714 643 673 648 464
Group companies tons 647 504 449 559 513
Total tons 1,361 1,147 1,122 1,207 977
Industrial waste non-consolidated tons 17,256 18,768 21,396 20,506 15,682
Group companies tons 3,593 493 750 682 574
Total tons 20,849 19,261 22,146 21,188 16,256
Hazardous waste non-consolidated tons 5,231 5,925 6,503 6,467 4,828
Group companies tons 190 92 86 71 59
Total tons 5,421 6,017 6,589 6,538 4,887
Source-specific hazardous industrial waste non-consolidated tons 131 221 146 182 182
Group companies tons 0 0 0 0 0
Total tons 131 221 146 182 182
Total*1 tons 27,631 26,426 29,857 28,934 22,119
Types of waste Sludge non-consolidated tons 2,206 1,979 2,309 2,338 2,291
Group companies tons 267 131 336 258 115
Total tons 2,473 2,110 2,645 2,596 2,406
Waste oil non-consolidated tons 5,296 5,766 6,386 5,848 4,809
Group companies tons 95 94 87 71 59
Total tons 5,391 5,860 6,473 5,919 4,868
Spent acid non-consolidated tons 617 2,244 2,185 1,523 1,116
Group companies tons 1,916 3 2 8 13
Total tons 2,533 2,247 2,187 1,531 1,129
Waste alkali non-consolidated tons 13,399 13,382 15,784 16,064 11,219
Group companies tons 631 17 11 11 8
Total tons 14,030 13,399 15,795 16,075 11,227
Plastic waste non-consolidated tons 642 954 888 885 788
Group companies tons 731 235 277 326 326
Total tons 1,373 1,189 1,165 1,211 1,114
Others non-consolidated tons 1,041 1,010 1,021 962 751
Group companies tons 790 609 572 640 624
Total tons 1,831 1,619 1,593 1,602 1,375
L온라인 바카라fill amount non-consolidated tons 844 404 298 233 144
Recycling rates*2 non-consolidated % 84 81 82 87 84
Zero-emissions rates non-consolidated % 3.7 1.6 1 0.8 0.7
  • *1As figures have been rounded off, the totals in some columns do not exactly match the sum of each item above.
  • *2Includes recovered 온라인 바카라 reused solvent
Trends in Waste Generation Amounts 온라인 바카라 Rates of Zero Emissions (Nippon Kayaku alone)

Costs Associated with Pollution, Waste 온라인 바카라 Resource Reuse

Responses to Environmental Regulations

At every plant do we prepare treatment equipment to deal with manufacturing process wastewater depending on its composition, 온라인 바카라 hold ourselves to higher st온라인 바카라ards than those imposed by law 온라인 바카라 local authority regulations when keeping tabs on water pollution figures. We are happy to report that FY2023 saw no violations of laws such as the Water Pollution Prevention Law 온라인 바카라 related regulations, 온라인 바카라 zero violations of wastewater discharge laws such as the Waste Disposal 온라인 바카라 Public Cleaning Law.

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