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Nippon Kayaku manufactures and develops various high-purity 바카라 규칙 resins for high demanding markets such as the electrical and electronic fields, in which a high degree of electrical reliability is required. In particular, we develop 바카라 규칙 resins in line with the technological trends focused on products around semiconductor packages (e.g., 바카라 규칙 resins for semiconductor encapsulation and substrates).
Our line-up consists of Novolac type 바카라 규칙 resins with special features and properties that derive from their unique structures.
We provide 바카라 규칙 resins that have a high degree of electrical reliability, with an extremely low amount of the organic and inorganic chlorines. We achieve this with our unique and advanced 바카라 규칙 resin manufacturing processes and technologies.
Offering various special 바카라 규칙 resins to meet the needs of our customers.
Environmentally friendly 바카라 규칙 resins are expanding within electronic materials due to strict environmental regulations. Nippon Kayaku offers 바카라 규칙 resins that exhibit flame retardance without the use of halogen or phosphorus based flame retardants.
바카라 규칙 resins contributing to halogen-free flame retardance and lead-free solder heat-resistant properties
●Product names: NC-3100, NC-3000-L, NC-3000, NC-3000-H, NC-3000-FH-75M
바카라 규칙 Resins with high heat durability, dimensional stability and low warping with high cross-linking density
●Product names: EPPN-501H, EPPN-501HY, EPPN-502H
These unique structures demonstrate high modulus, high heat durability 바카라 규칙 low water absorption
●Product names: NC-7000L, NC-7000H, NC-7300L
바카라 규칙 resins with high toughness, high heat durability and low water absorption
●Product names: XD-1000-2L, XD-1000, XD-1000-H
Crystallized 바카라 규칙 resins with low viscosity and good handling properties
●Product names: CER-3000-L, CER-1020
High-purity bisphenol type 바카라 규칙 resin, liquid aromatic amine hardeners and acid anhydride hardeners
●Product names: RE-300 series, RE-400 series, KAYAHARD A-A, KAYAHARD MCD
Glycidylamine with excellent low viscosity, 바카라 규칙 little decrease in heat resisting properties
●Product names: GAN, GOT
Brominated phenol novolac type 바카라 규칙 resins with excellent heat resisting properties, reactive diluents containing bromine
●Product names: BREN-S, BREN-105, BR-250H, BROC, BROC-C
Multifunctional biphenyl aralkyl type 바카라 규칙 resins with excellent heat durability, flame retardance and resistance to thermal decomposition
●Product names: NC-3500
Bisphenol type 바카라 규칙 resin containing an imide structure with excellent heat durability, flame retardance, low curing shrinkage and low dielectric properties
●Product names: WHR-991S
Our Novolac type 바카라 규칙 resins contribute to electrical reliability due to low impurity levels, with a low amount of total chlorine
●Product names: NC-3000-LLC, NC-3000-LC
LCE-2615 demonstrates advanced toughness while having modulus and heat durability properties similar to conventional 바카라 규칙 resins. In addition, LCE-2615 contributes to high thermal conductivity of the cured resin, with good compatibility to solvent & other resins.
●Product names: LCE-2615
Nippon Kayaku develops 바카라 규칙 promotes thermosetting materials for CFRP (Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers). Our goal is to contribute to a sustainable society by supporting developments to reduce emissions through the adoption of composite weight reduction materials. In particular, we are providing materials for applications that require advanced characteristics (e.g., aerospace 바카라 규칙 automotive).
Please check our catalog for more details.